A sedentary lifestyle, injuries or excessive physical activity cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To avoid complications, it is important to start treatment in the early stages of the process. To do this, you need to know the causes and symptoms of the pathology.
Description of the disease, what is its danger.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is a chronic disease in which dystrophic changes begin in the cartilage located in the intervertebral space. The pathology is expressed by a decrease in the height of the discs and compression of the intercostal nerve endings.
Thoracic osteochondrosis goes through several stages of progression.
The first is characterized by desiccation of the intervertebral disc, decreased firmness and elasticity, and the appearance of cracks. The pain is mild and goes away after the person rests a little.
In the second stage, the disc decreases in height, the niche of the vertebra is filled with the nucleus pulposus, but does not go beyond its limits. Muscles experience constant tension. The person complains of intense pain, which subsides after resting.
The third stage is characterized by the exit of the nucleus pulposus beyond the edges, the crack reaches the vertebral edge. As a result, an intervertebral hernia forms. The pain becomes constant.
In the fourth stage, a proliferation of connective tissue is detected, which puts pressure on nearby vertebrae. To compensate for the reduced layer, bone tissue begins to grow. More and more growths (osteophytes) appear.
Types of thoracic osteochondrosis and complications.
Depending on the nature of the pain, two types of thoracic osteochondrosis are distinguished:
- Dorsago, which is characterized by sharp, sharp pain in the form of lumbago, located in the thoracic spine. The condition is accompanied by muscle tension, movement problems in the neck and thoracic region;
- back pain, in which the pain increases slowly. Inhalations and twists of the body, as well as prolonged stay in one position, increase discomfort. At night, the discomfort intensifies and disappears when walking.
In the absence of adequate therapy, the nerve endings become increasingly compressed. As a result, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can cause complications:
- Diseases of the digestive system;
- persistent pain;
- alterations in cardiac activity;
- decreased ability to conceive;
- alteration in the functioning of the lungs caused by the proliferation of connective tissue.
Why does thoracic spine pathology occur?
This part of the spine experiences moderate loading and limited mobility. However, pathology is common. The disease can be caused by one of the reasons or their combination:
- injuries and damages;
- excessive load in the apartment, even in childhood;
- age-related changes associated with a decrease in nutrition of the disc tissue between the vertebrae;
- endocrinological diseases, especially during menopause;
- age-related impairment of calcium absorption;
- excess body weight;
- problems with blood vessels, atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels of the thoracic region;
- weak muscle corset.
How does the pathology manifest?
Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis include pain and increased muscle tone. The pain may be short-lived with stabbing or prolonged. The recoil can be felt in the front of the chest, under the ribs, and in the shoulder. The pain intensifies when staying in one position for a long time.
A characteristic sign of pathology is sensitivity to palpation of the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are similar to other diseases and include:
- discomfort in the heart area, reminiscent of angina pain;
- pain when breathing, difficulty breathing, which also manifests itself in pneumonia, tuberculosis, obstructive pulmonary disease;
- pain in the epigastric region, under the ribs, similar to signs of gastrointestinal diseases.
Treatment methods for thoracic osteochondrosis.
If you have complaints, you should contact a neurologist. Therapy includes medication, physical therapy, exercise therapy and massage.
Doctors prescribe medications:
- means to eliminate the source of inflammation in the spine;
- medications to reduce muscle tone and the risk of compression of the sensory roots of the spinal cord;
- neuroprotectors designed to help restore nerve fibers.
The choice and dosage are chosen by the doctor, who will take into account the tolerance to the drug, concomitant pathologies and the patient's weight.
It is important to follow the recommended duration of treatment to avoid relapses. You can buy prescription drugs at low cost from the online store.
The massage should be done carefully, using rubbing techniques. The areas under the shoulder blades and between the ribs should be treated thoroughly. For the effect to appear, at least 10-15 sessions are required.
During physical therapy, emphasis is placed on exercises that strengthen the muscular corset, neck and lower back.
Ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory effects, hot patches and the Kuznetsov applicator are prescribed locally.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is a degenerative pathology of the vertebrae and discs. Vlasenko Alexander Adolfovich (neurologist, manual therapist doctor with 30 years of experience) talks about osteochondrosis of the thoracic region: symptoms, diagnosis and effective treatment methods.
Why is thoracic osteochondrosis called "chameleon"?
The thoracic spine has a special feature: the ribs are attached to it. Thanks to this, it is less mobile than the neck and lumbar area. Consequently, osteochondrosis in the thoracic region develops less often, according to the principle: "less mobility, less wear. "But it develops less frequently, which does not mean it is easier. And indeed it is. We are talking about chest pain. Since the area of pain in the thoracic spine coincides with the area of the heart, the symptoms are often confused with angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. It is not in vain that they say about thoracic osteochondrosis that it is a "chameleon. "After all, you can pretend not only to have heart disease, but also to have a disease of the lungs, liver, stomach, gallbladder or pancreas. And here you cannot make a mistake and overlook a heart attack or other serious illness, for example, pathology of the mammary glands in women. These mistakes are costly, even if everything turns out well in the end. After all, this can "lead" a person to severe stress. That is why it is very important to find an experienced and knowledgeable doctor who understands everything and distinguishes the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis from other pathologies. Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are usually divided into two categories: radicular and reflex.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis
The manifestations of osteochondrosis will depend on the location and severity of the injury in the motion segment of the spine. At the initial stage, patients complain of dull aching back pain, malaise, slight limitation of spinal movements, periodic numbness in arms or legs, headache and fatigue. By starting treatment and changing lifestyle during this period, the result will not take long to arrive and recovery will come quickly.
In case of severe damage to the intervertebral disc, severe pain, persistent numbness and/or weakness in the arm or leg occurs (depending on the level of damage). These signs may indicate destruction of the intervertebral disc and the presence of a hernia, so it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and start treatment.
In more severe cases, the pain syndrome can be extremely severe, possible dysfunction of the pelvic organs, severe weakness and numbness in the arm or leg. If these signs are present, urgent hospitalization in a hospital is necessary to resolve the issue of surgical treatment.
With cervical osteochondrosis, pain occurs in the neck, may radiate to the shoulder, arm or head, numbness or weakness in the arm, headache, dizziness.
With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, pain occurs in the chest, radiates to the sternum or scapula, intensifies with breathing and movement, and sometimes there is a feeling of shortness of breath. Patients often mistake this condition for heart pain.
When the lumbosacral spine is affected, the pain is located in the lower back, intensifies with movement, radiates to the leg or perineum, and numbness or weakness in the leg may occur.
It is necessary to remember that our body is a single whole and the division of osteochondrosis into cervical, thoracic and lumbar is arbitrary. As a rule, the disease develops throughout the spine, but manifests itself in the part that experiences the greatest load.
Root symptoms
They occur due to impact on the nerves that exit the spine.
spinal nerves

There are many nerves coming out of the spine. They are called spinal nerves. Each of these nerves branches and gradually follows a specific area of the body with clearly defined boundaries. This area is called the zone of segmental innervation. Each vertebra, disc, nerve and zone are numbered, strictly corresponding to each other. If a nerve is exposed, symptoms will appear in the zone of segmental innervation corresponding to that nerve, and not just anywhere, but in an arbitrary location.
Root symptoms include:
- Decreased or lost reflexes;
- Impaired sensitivity;
- Muscular weakness;
- Radicular pain.
Innervation zones of the thoracic segments.

Osteochondrosis D1-D2- Causes pain in the shoulder, clavicle and armpit area.
Osteochondrosis D3-D6- Causes waist-type pain in the upper part of the chest. Simulates pain in the heart, an angina attack. In women it causes pain in the mammary glands.
Osteochondrosis D7–D8- Causes waist pain at the solar plexus level. Simulates pain in the stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas. Reduces upper abdominal reflexes.
Osteochondrosis D9-D10- causes pain in the hypochondrium and upper abdomen. Sometimes it imitates the so-called "acute" abdomen - a sharp pain in the abdomen. Reduces mid-abdominal reflexes.
Osteochondrosis D11-D12- causes pain in the groin area. Simulates pain in female diseases, appendicitis and intestinal diseases. Reduces lower abdominal reflexes.
Reflex symptoms
Unlike radicular symptoms, reflex symptoms do not have clear boundaries. These may be: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, pain when inhaling and exhaling, chills and "goosebumps" on the skin, intercostal neuralgia, chest pain. Dyspepsia is often observed: appetite worsens, nausea, heartburn, bloating and intestinal dysfunction occur. Due to pain, sleep is disturbed, insomnia occurs, and the feeling of not getting enough sleep occurs. It is difficult to move, especially in the morning. Coordination of movements is affected, which is reflected in gait. General weakness, weakness. Sexual disorders. Irritability. Rapid fatigue. Various pains arise. Pressing pain in the chest area. Pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the hypochondrium. Pain when raising the arms. Pain when bending down or trying to get up. Pain between the shoulder blades. In general, pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is usually divided into two types.
Back pain- prolonged, moderately intense pain in the back and chest with periods of intensification and attenuation.
Dorsago- Acute painful "lumbago" in this area.
- Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region depend on the stage of osteochondrosis.
- They get worse when slouching or trying to stand up.
- Symptoms usually appear after 35 to 45 years.
- They occur approximately 3 times more often in women than in men.
Of course, you will have noticed that the radicular symptoms are quite clearly defined, while the reflex symptoms are very vague and non-specific. And as you know, everything that does not have clear definitions serves as a convenient cover for professional helplessness. This applies, among other things, to reflex symptoms and to the favorite concept among doctors as "age-related changes. "Surely many of you know the situation when the doctor explained the problem as "reflex" or "age-related" processes. Most people at such times believe, rightly, that the doctor simply cannot understand what is happening and is trying to hide his incompetence in the fog of these "magic words. "
There was a time when there was a popular phrase: "Every accident has a name, surname and position. "So each disease has its own unique symptoms. And it is the doctor's duty to know them clearly. And then there will be no need to cast a shadow and blame everything on osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. You now understand how important it is to find a doctor with experience and knowledge. Both the correct diagnosis and the good results of the treatment will depend on this.
Stages of the disease
Depending on the ongoing pathological processes, 4 stages of development of thoracic osteochondrosis are distinguished:
Scenery | Changes | Symptoms |
First | Dehydration of the discs, which causes loss of elasticity. Its height decreases, but its width increases: the intervertebral disc gradually flattens. | The pain appears directly in the damaged ring. It can be throwing or shooting. |
Second | The annulus fibrosus begins to disintegrate. The nerve roots are compressed, causing pain. | There is pain when moving. Discomfort appears when maintaining a posture for a long time. |
Third | The annulus fibrosus ruptures causing a herniated disc to form. Scoliosis or pathological kyphosis develops. | There is pain when moving. Discomfort appears when maintaining a posture for a long time. |
Four | Friction of the vertebrae against each other appears, which causes displacement of the intervertebral joints. The tissue surrounding the vertebrae becomes inflamed. Cartilage tissue is replaced by bone tissue, which reduces motor functions. Fibrosis appears. | There is pain when moving. Discomfort appears when maintaining a posture for a long time. |
Stages of exacerbation and remission can be observed. The latter is often observed in stage 4.
Degrees of the disease.
This is a more modern classification of the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis, which is used by specialists.
Degrees | Changes and symptoms. |
First | Rupture of the intervertebral disc caused by sudden movement or excessive effort. Sharp pain, similar to the passage of an electric current along the spine. muscle contracture. |
Second | Characterized by instability of the spine. Pain when moving. Outgoing. |
Third | The pain becomes constant. Loss of sensitivity. Change in gear. Severe headaches. Difficult breathing. Tachycardia. |
Four | The spine is unstable: the vertebrae slide and twist. Osteophytes grow, pinching the spinal nerves and putting pressure on the spinal cord. |
Thoracic osteochondrosis can lead to serious diseases that will be difficult to cure.
Diagnosis is the key to adequate treatment.
Today, there are several modern methods for hardware diagnosis of osteochondrosis. The most accurate are MRI and CT scan. But the main method remains clinical diagnosis, that is, when an experienced doctor compares data from at least three sources: the patient's complaints, the results of MRI, and the symptoms identified during the examination. This allows you to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible and create an effective individual treatment program.
Who to contact, methods of examining osteochondrosis.
As a rule, with pain in the spine, patients turn to a neurologist, who, based on complaints and a neurological examination, can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional examination methods (spinal X-ray, MRI, CT , general urinalysis). , general blood test) and develop a treatment regimen.
Treatment must be comprehensive, aimed at:
- elimination of pain syndrome;
- elimination of impaired function of the spinal roots;
- Prevention of the progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in spinal structures.
During the acute period, with intense painpharmacological treatment is prescribed: non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, group B vitamins, chondroprotectors or a blockade are used.
PhysiotherapyIt is the main method of conservative treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Exercise therapy is aimed at the formation, correction and strengthening of the muscle corset; increased range of motion in the spine and joints; development of a motor stereotype and correct posture; reducing the load on the spine.
With regular exercise therapy, joint exercises, yoga or swimming, blood supply and tissue nutrition improves, metabolism is normalized and intervertebral space increases, which leads to recovery.
Listen to your body, if you find symptoms of osteochondrosis or your lifestyle involves prolonged sitting at the computer, driving a car or insufficient physical activity, seek help from a specialist without waiting for exacerbations to worsen.
As you understand, osteochondrosis is a real "tangle" of symptoms, which, unraveling, the doctor will relieve you of pain and torment. But it is not possible to eliminate changes in the vertebrae and discs. Therefore, the words "osteochondrosis treatment" must be understood correctly. If you are interested in eliminating pain and other sufferings, then yes, it is very possible. And if an academic discussion is held on the topic of returning vertebrae and discs to their original appearance, "like a newborn child", then no, the past cannot be returned. You must be realistic and then you will not fall into the trap of scammers.
What method of treatment is considered the main one?
Gentle manual therapy is the main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. It's like an antibiotic for pneumonia: you can't do without it. The remaining types (massage, medications, physiotherapy and physiotherapy) are auxiliary.
Physical therapy methods relieve swelling and inflammation, improve blood flow to the affected area, and reduce or stop pain.
Magnetic laser, magnetotherapy, SMT with novocaine, ultrasound with hydrocortisone, etc.
Balneotherapy: Sludge applications, ozokerite applications in affected areas, radon baths.
Exercise and massage therapy.
Therapeutic exercise is the main method of treating osteochondrosis. Gymnastics is performed regularly for 10-15 minutes several times a day. To improve effectiveness, a massage course is prescribed. The procedures help to relax muscles, reduce pressure on the vertebrae, improve metabolic processes and blood flow. Exercise therapy can be done independently at home, also in a clinic (individual and group classes). The massage is performed by a qualified specialist in a clinical setting.
How does gentle manual therapy work?
The nutrition of the discs is directly related to the muscles that surround the spine. In addition, the back muscles themselves are one of the causes of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Gentle manual therapy is a special method that allows you to return muscles to their natural physiology, eliminate spasms, muscle tensions and improve the nutrition of the discs.
The intervertebral discs are the only part of the body that does not have blood vessels and is nourished by the proper functioning of the muscles.
Additionally, when performing the treatment with the hands, the chiropractor:
- will relieve the load on the affected vertebrae and discs and distribute it correctly;
- relaxes the muscles and helps them return to normal;
- relieves the patient of clamps;
- improve disk power supply;
- will restore the motor functions of the body;
- normalizes blood circulation.
Manual influence mobilizes the body's internal forces and triggers self-healing mechanisms.
The technique consists of influencing biologically active points on the body with fine needles. The procedure reduces the manifestation of pain and inflammatory processes. Acupuncture is not painful and minor discomfort may occur.
Treatment of pathology in women.
It is practically impossible to completely get rid of already progressing thoracic osteochondrosis, but it is quite possible to slow down or even stop the formation of a degenerative-dystrophic pathological process in the tissues of the moving segments of the spine using the means and methods of modern medicine. . The optimal therapeutic effect can only be achieved with an integrated approach to the treatment of this pathology using medications, various physiotherapeutic techniques and targeted exercise therapy techniques (physiotherapy).
Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine in women are not much different from those in men. In the acute period of osteochondrosis of the thoracic segment of the spine, the patient needs intensive treatment of the exacerbation, during which various medications and physical procedures are used to help eliminate, first of all, the pain syndrome, and at the same time time, other negative manifestations. of the illness.
During remission, the patient should be prescribed maintenance treatment, based mainly on taking drugs that restore the osteochondral structure and physiotherapy. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is sometimes used to stabilize the position of the spine.
What to do in case of exacerbation?
During an exacerbation, severe pain appears, radiating along the intercostal spaces. At this stage it is necessary to maintain bed rest and reduce spinal mobility. Symptoms are eliminated with painkillers prescribed by the treating doctor.
The treatment is absolutely safe.
To prevent diseases and stop degenerative processes, it is recommended:
- weight adjustment;
- cycling, running, swimming, yoga and other sports;
- daily walks;
- taking vitamin complexes and chondroprotectors;
- reduce stress on the back;
- Timely treatment of musculoskeletal diseases.
To avoid relapses, create comfortable sleeping and working conditions. Watch your weight and eat well. Continue with your physical activity. But the main thing is not to neglect your health and not to skimp on it. Don't let things take their course. After recovery, try to perform at least one maintenance session of gentle manual therapy once every three to six months; this will reduce risk factors. Do not forget that advanced osteochondrosis causes complications: disc protrusion and herniation. Remember: your health comes first!